Rizvi Media World is a Social Media cell of Tehreek Labbaik Pakistan working to spread the Message of Islam. Tehreek Labbaik Pakistan is a registered Political party from Election Commission of Pakistan. Allama Hafiz Khadim Hussain Rizvi ra is founder of TLP. It’s dream and struggle for a prosperous & strong Pakistan in light of Islamic teachings and Ideology. The aim of the founder of TLP Allama Khadim Hussain Rizvi is to make Pakistan a strong Islamic State in accordance with the Quran & Sunnah. Tehreek Labbaik Pakistan demands that Sharia law be established as law in Pakistan, through a gradual legal and political process. TLP believes that Pakistan is a very special country, full of natural resources and full of hardworking & intelligent people. TLP wants to make sure that we as a nation are following the Islamic path on which the foundation of Pakistan was laid by Allama Iqbal and Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah.

Our Vision
TLP wants to make Pakistan a self-reliant Islamic Republic, based on Islamic teachings and Shariah laws on which the foundation of Pakistan was laid by Allama Iqbal and Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah.

Our Mission
Our mission is to To make Pakistan a self-sufficient nation who makes its own decision prioritizing the Islamic values and Shariah Laws.
“Only Islam Can Bring Change in Pakistan, not only in Pakistan but in Whole World.”
Founder of TLP
Hafiz Saad Hussain Rizvi is Son of Allama Khadim Hussain Rizvi and Current Ameer – President of Tehreek Labbaik Pakistan